This is the first in a series of newsletters that Custom Coating Innovations will be publishing to provide information on what’s going on at CCI, the utility industry and general information that we hope will be useful to you.
This is the inaugural issue of ‘Covers’ – a newsletter. We hope to provide you with content that helps keep you abreast of the latest happenings with the company, that will provide support for your activities and that is designed to help you with your selling efforts. This would include product information, key company and industry activities and happenings.
We look forward to bringing you content that you will find useful as well as keep you informed.
Look for future issues coming out shortly as we have big news on product and brand launches as well as upcoming company activities. As always, we appreciate your efforts on behalf of CCI and look forward to continuing to work to grow the CCI product line of protective covers into a vital supplier for your utility customers.
Good luck and good selling The CCI Team